ARCOmadrid 2023

Paulo Brighenti

The portuguese artist Paulo Brighenti was invited by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Galerias Municipais/ EGEAC – CML, to present a non-commercial project room at ARCOmadrid, which takes place between 22 and 26 February.

Over several decades, Paulo Brighenti’s work has reflected on and experimented with the different spheres of operativity in painting, and he is currently in the midst of an intensive and challenging production phase.

In this project room for the Galerias Municipais/EGEAC – CML, Brighenti presents a single large-scale painting that seeks to test other procedures and times of action, through broad and free gestures, handling another kind of instrument – his hands and his own body – inscribing on the canvas diverse temperatures, unpredictabilities and concerns, invoking diverse pictorial traditions that emphasise the importance of life and of painting in the contemporary world.

This project also includes an essay by the researcher/curator Ana Anacleto.

Paulo Brighenti was born in Lisbon in 1968, and lives and works in Lisbon and Torres Vedras. He is the founder and coordinator of RAMA – Art Residency, Maceira, Torres Vedras. He studied Visual Arts at Ar.Co., in Lisbon. In 1996, he was one of the artists selected for the exhibition ‘7 artists in the 10th month’ and, in 2002, he was awarded the Arpad Szenes-Vieira da Silva Foundation’s Drawing Prize. He has exhibited regularly, in both solo and group shows, since the mid-1990s, in various galleries and institutions. His works are part of collections such as those of the Serralves Museum, Porto; MAAT, Lisbon; CAM/ Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Art Library, Lisbon; Banco de España, Madrid; Sovereign Art Foundation, London; CGAC, Santiago de Compostela; António Cachola Collection / MACE, Elvas; Carmona e Costa Foundation, Lisbon; PLMJ Collection, Lisbon; Ilídio Pinho Foundation, Porto; Arpad Szenes – Vieira da Silva Foundation, Lisbon; Lisbon City Council Collection; Luso-American Development Foundation, Lisbon; Norlinda and José Lima Collection, São João da Madeira; Fernando Figueiredo Ribeiro Collection, Abrantes;  Coleção de Arte Contemporânea do Estado [State Contemporary Art Collection, Portugal], among others.

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