Book launch This is a Bar… ou Praia de Banhos – Joaquim Bravo, Turismo e o Algarve

Diogo Pinto, Mariana Tilly, Vera Gonçalves, Alexandre Guerreiro


On 17 December afternoon in Galeria da Boavista we will host the launch of the exhibition publication of “This is a Bar… ou Praia de Banhos – Joaquim Bravo, Turismo e o Algarve” (curated by Diogo Pinto, Galerias Municipais – Pavilhão Branco, 14/04/22 to 21/08/22).

The editors and co-authors of the publication’s essay, Diogo Pinto and Mariana Tilly, will present the book by discussing the process, tales and coincidences that led to its creation. Vera Gonçalves, one of the artist of “This is a Bar…”, will also join the conversation and help guide them through a tour of her Algarvian-experience. Finally, the musician Alexandre Guerreiro will provide the adequate live soundtrack.


Curated by
– 21.08.2022
This is a Bar… ou Praia de Banhos – Joaquim Bravo, Turismo e o Algarve
Joaquim Bravo and Álvaro Lapa, António da Cunha Telles, António Palolo, BRANA, Cristina Motta, João Cutileiro, Jorge Mealha, José Miranda Justo, Maria Altina Martins, Patrícia Almeida, Peter Jones, Rosa Jones, Vera Gonçalves, Xana, Zé Ventura
Diogo Pinto
Pavilhão Branco