Virgínia Fróis


As part of the Festival das Humanidades, this activity is oriented by Virgínia Fróis and Marta Castelo, two of the artists who are part of the exhibition Mater. Parting from the work Pêndulo , the participants repeat the gesture of its creation.

On a circular table in front of the earth circle of the pendulum, the activity takes place in the garden, spreading the clay from the bricks and repeating the gesture of the floor of that work.

In the words of Virgínia Fróis, “Visitors inscribe with their fingers on this wet material, draw from their body which is their center. Erase smooth and start over. And with each new entry we video-record and photograph and thus with the records of anonymous visitors, we organize an archive and this can be a new work in digital format. It’s a fresh start. “


Curated by
– 11.06.2023
Maja Escher, Marta Castelo e Virgínia Fróis
João Rolaça / Oficinas do Convento
Pavilhão Branco