Páginas de Um Império Perdido #1 – Alguns que retornaram e outros que não quiseram [Pages from a Lost empire #1 – Those who returned and those who refused]

Joana Craveiro

A performance of Páginas de Um Império Perdido #1 – Alguns que retornaram e outros que não quiseram [Pages from a Lost empire #1 – Those who returned and those who refused], by Joana Craveiro (actress, theatre director, co-founder and artistic director of Teatro do Vestido)
A performative talk based on the experiences and personal documents of those who returned to Portugal in the wake of the decolonisation process soon after 25 April 1974, as well as testimonies of those who decided to remain behind in the countries that had become newly independent.


Curated by
– 29.02.2016
Return: Traces of Memory
Alfredo Cunha, André Amálio, Bruno Simões Castanheira, Joana Craveiro and Manuel Santos Maia
Elsa Peralta; co-curator: Joana Gonçalo Oliveira
Avenida da Índia Gallery