Contemporary Italian Poets Reading

Vasco Gato, Paola D´Agostino.

As part of the public programs of the exhibition Aos Olhos Delas. Mulheres e Trabaho em Itália desde 1950, and deepening the main themes of the photographic exhibition from a poetic perspective, Galeria Avenida da Índia hosts a reading by contemporary Italian poets, translated into Portuguese by poet Vasco Gato. Poems by Antonia Pozzi, Patrizia Cavalli, Anna Maria Carpi, Chandra Livia Candiani, Silvia Bre and Isabella Leardini, among others, will be read in Portuguese by Vasco Gato and in the original Italian version by Paola D’Agostino.

The initiative is the result of a partnership between the Municipal Galleries and the Embassy of Italy.