Show Me What You Got

Tobi Maier

The Municipal Galleries organize the guided tour “Show Me What You Got”, within the context of the ARCOlisboa 2022 programme.

“O colecionador de belas-artes” [The fine art collector] by Sara & André presents a group of medium-sized paintings, produced during 2021/2022 and employing diverse materials such as enamel, oil, watercolor, graphite, and Indian ink on wood. Inspired by the series O colecionador de belas-artes, which António Areal presented in 1971 at Galeria São Mamede in Lisbon, the artists have focussed on a variety of private contemporary art collections based in Portugal. The works on display are the result of a two-year-long dialogue between the artists and various collectors with regard to their collections. In a second phase, which will follow the exhibition, a publication will be produced to mirror, in text format, these encounters and the research carried out by the artists on these collections and the practice of collecting. Thus, this project represents a continuation of similar projects carried out by Sara & André previously, such as Uma breve história da curadoria (A brief history of curating, Documenta, 2019) and Inquérito a 263 artistas (Contemporânea, 2021).


Curated by
– 19.06.2022
O Colecionador de Belas Artes
Sara & André
Quadrum Gallery