Budapest Cycle – Diogo Evangelista

Diogo Evangelista

This catalogue accompanies Diogo Evangelista’s solo exhibition, which took place at Quadrum Gallery between 23 April and 5 May 2013. This exhibition was part of the Budapest Cycle, an initiative of the Lisbon City Hall in partnership with the Municipality of Budapest. Through this program, two Portuguese artists are selected to develop an artistic project during a one-month residency in Budapest and two Hungarian artists were selected to develop a project also during a one-month residency in Lisbon. This volume contains photographic documentation of the works exhibited, including installation views, and a text by José Marmeleira.

“Appropriation, intervention, decontextualization, superimposition. Diogo Evangelista’s work takes shape within these processes, drawing on a multitude of sources, materials and, above all, images. Strongly multidisciplinary in nature, his work reveals a particular interest in images or, to be more precise, in the experience (the reception) and the materiality of images. The connection between these two elements runs through many of his works and acquires an added complexity if we consider the way in which the artist works with the anonymous and disordered repertoire of mass culture (across its most diverse manifestations).”

– José Marmeleira

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Curated by
– 05.05.2013
Budapest Cycle
Diogo Evangelista
Quadrum Gallery