James Newitt

James Newitt

Publication for the exhibition Haven by James Newitt, curated by Mattia Tosti, held at the Boavista Gallery from June 22 to September 17, 2023. It features texts by Sara Antónia Matos and Pedro Faro, Mattia Tosti, Alejandro Colás and Liam Campling, Anja Lückenkemper. It includes a visual essay by the collective Multa.

«One relevant source of artistic creation lies in the identification of the unusual that is contained in everyday reality, of uncommon stories of resistance, in the emancipating potential that certain narratives have to offer. Sometimes disentangled from fait-divers, these small narratives allow for the development of unsettling poetic-political fractures, creating cracks in the dominant normative and regimentary fabric. »

Sara Antónia Matos & Pedro Faro

«For the exhibition HAVEN James Newitt has incorporated piracy as a creative strategy by using digital techniques to attempt to circumnavigate problems of copyright encountered during the development of the project. In particular, this process can be observed in the three-channel video installation that gives the name to the exhibition»

Mattia Tosti

«The high seas are neither lawless nor unregulated; they are simply nobody’s property and poorly policed. Similarly, the romanticisation of piracy, containerisation, the freedom of the seas and the offshore world more widely, conveniently airbrushes the central role of state sovereignty and organised violence in the reproduction of these practices and processes. »

Alejandro Colás & Liam Campling

«In examining both queerness and the ocean, a shared quality emerges — an intrinsic inclination towards elusiveness: ‘There is something innate, both about queerness and the ocean, that is compelled to be intangible and unconfined to the straight line of a horizon.’ writes Jessie Irvin Rose. Inherent in both are nuanced complexities, which transcend conventional spatial and temporal categorizations and frameworks.»

Anja Lückenkemper

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Curated by
– 17.09.2023
James Newitt
Mattia Tosti
Boavista Gallery