With texts by
] Footnote 15: A Prototype
Ana Cardoso, Union Gaucha Productions (Karin Schneider e Nicolás Guagnini), Eileen Quinlan, Jorge Pinheiro, Igor Krenz, Józef Robakowski, Monika Sosnowska, Tomás Cunha Ferreira
With texts by Barbara Piwowarska, Ana Cardoso, Tomás Cunha Ferreira, Tobi Maier
Duarte Amaral Netto
With texts by Ana Gago, João Seguro, Tobi Maier
4 Mãos – Criar uma obra de arte sem sair de casa com a cumplicidade de um/a artista
With texts by Bárbara Bulhão, Catarina Nascimento, Daniel Peres, Elisa Aragão, Inês Louro, João Gaspar, Margarida Rodrigues, Mariana Branco, Catarina Simões, Francisca Larrson, Francisca Ferreira, Inês Azevedo, Isabel Brito, Joana Neves, Johanna Abad, Laura Saraiva, Lavínia Queiroz, Maria Catarina Carvalho, Maria Rita Pereira, Maria Durão, Mariana Malhó, Marta Brás, Matilde Mendes e Miguel Domingues.
A Noite É Triste
João Tengarrinha
With texts by João Miguel Fernandes Jorge
Accessibility: how to build an identity
Vasco Araújo
With texts by Maria Teresa Cruz, Mamadou Ba, Sara Antónia Matos and Pedro Faro, Tobi Maier
Afinal Era Uma Borboleta
João Queiroz
With texts by (no texts)
Africa See You See Me – African Influences on Contemporary Photography
With texts by António Costa, José António Fernando Dias, Awam Amkpa, Manthia Diawara, Alessandra Di Maio, Ulrich Baer, Seydou Keïta, Lydie Diakhaté
Air Pillars
Dalila Gonçalves
With texts by Emília Ferreira, Luísa Santos, Tiago de Abreu Pinto, Tobi Maier
Alexandra do Carmo: Tudo Foi Captado (Mesmo os Movimentos do Cabrito)
Alexandra do Carmo
With texts by Catarina Rosendo
All Titles Are Wrong. Anthological Exhibition
Paulo Quintas
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Isabel Carlos, Rui Chafes
Almost Blue
Maria Trabulo
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Pedro Faro, Maria Trabulo, Remco Torenbosch
Álvaro Lapa
Álvaro Lapa
With texts by Francisco de La Fuente Sanchéz, João Pinharanda, António Martins Soares, Álvaro Lapa
An incantation fixed at its culminating point
Inês Geraldes Cardoso
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Inês Geraldes Cardoso and Kasia Fudakowski
Ana Galvão: O gosto solitário de gravar - Anthological Exhibition 1987-2017
Ana Galvão
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Célia Bragança, Cristina Guerra, Cristina Azevedo Tavares, Américo Silva, Manuela Cristóvão
Ângelo de Sousa: ainda mais escultura
Ângelo de Sousa
With texts by Rui M. Pereira, Nuno Faria
André Romão, Pedro Neves Marques, Eduardo Guerra
With texts by André Romão, Pedro Neves Marques
António Bolota: a última luz do dia
António Bolota
With texts by Nuno Faria
Aqui e Além
Michael Biberstein, Rui Sanches
With texts by Michael Biberstein, Rui Sanches
Rui Horta Pereira
With texts by Francis Ponge
as coisas do mundo são rocha
Maria Capelo
With texts by Tobi Maier, João Pinharanda and Jurriaan Benschop
António Bolota
With texts by Ana Anacleto and Sara Antónia Matos
Bad Behaviuouor
Adriana Proganó
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos e Pedro Faro,
Lígia Afonso
Black Skin, White Masks: The Body in Presence
Buhlebezwe Siwani, Hwati Masimba, Rita GT, Valete
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos and Pedro Faro, Nuno Silas e Titos Pelembe, Noemi Alfieri, Kitty Furtado
Budapest Cycle – André Romão
André Romão
With texts by José Marmeleira
Budapest Cycle – Bruno Cidra
Bruno Cidra
With texts by José Marmeleira
Budapest Cycle – Catarina Botelho
Catarina Botelho
With texts by José Marmeleira
Budapest Cycle – Catarina de Oliveira
Catarina de Oliveira
With texts by José Marmeleira
Budapest Cycle – Diogo Evangelista
Diogo Evangelista
With texts by José Marmeleira
Budapest Cycle – Eduardo Guerra
Eduardo Guerra
With texts by José Marmeleira
Budapest Cycle – Filipa Roque
Filipa Roque
With texts by José Marmeleira
Budapest Cycle – Henrique Loja
Henrique Loja
With texts by José Marmeleira
Budapest Cycle – Nuno Rodrigues de Sousa
Nuno Rodrigues de Sousa
With texts by José Marmeleira
Budapest Cycle – Pedro Faria
Pedro Faria
With texts by José Marmeleira
Budapest Cycle – Rui Mourão
Rui Mourão
With texts by -José Marmeleira
Camera Lucida
Ramiro Guerreiro e Thierry Simões
With texts by
Campo Grande
Pedro Gomes
With texts by Pedro Faro
Canal Caveira / Sala dos Gessos
António Bolota, Bruno Cidra, Gonçalo Barreiros, Gonçalo Sena
With texts by Ana Anacleto, João Mourão, João Pinharanda, Jorge André Catarino
Manuel João Vieira
With texts by Mirian Tavares, Manuel João Vieira, Pedro Cabral Santo
Cemetery of Anchors
Veronika Spierenburg, Nuno Barroso
With texts by Catarina Alves Costa, Tobi Maier
Cinema Africano: Novas Formas Estéticas e Políticas
With texts by José António Fernando Dias, Manthia Diawara, Lydie Diakhaté
Claire de Santa Coloma
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos
Collective Exhibition for a Single Body -The Private Score (Lisbon, 2021)
With texts by Pierre Bal-Blanc, Tobi Maier, Kontakt Collection (Walter Seidl), István Antal
João Pina
With texts by João Pina, Baltasar Garzón, Jon Lee Anderson
Corpo Fechado
Carlos Motta
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos and Pedro Faro, Miguel Vale de Almeida, Denise Ferreira da Silva
Cosmic Words
Alejandro Alonso Díaz
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Alejandro Alonso Díaz
Pedro Valdez Cardoso
With texts by Filipa Oliveira
Cut Down The Middle
João Vasco Paiva, Heman Chong, Ramiro Guerreiro, Ko Sin Tung, Magdalen Wong
With texts by Claudia Pestana, João Vasco Paiva, John Batten, Magdalen Wong, Tobi Maier
Miguel Branco
With texts by Bernardo Pinto de Almeida
Disquietude. Architecture and Energy in Portugal
With texts by Tobi Maier, Lucinda Correia, Nuno Pinto, Iain Deas, Maria João Soares, João Miguel Duarte, ateliermob, Ana Catarino, Lars Fischer, Kim Förster.
Dopamine fast – Mínimo global
Roberto Winter
With texts by Caroline Campbell, Tobi Maier, Júlia Ayerbe, Roberto Winter, Denis Maksimov-Gupta
Earthkeeping / Earthshaking – art, feminisms and ecology
With texts by Tobi Maier, Vanessa Badagliacca, Giulia Lamoni, Lucy R. Lippard, Marcello Di Paola, Emilio Tarazona, Jane Logemann, Janet Culberston, Merle Temkin, Patricia Johanson, Phyllis Janto, Sabra Moore, Sandy Gellis, Shirley Fuerst
Encontros imediatos de segundo grau [Close Encounters of the Second Kind]
Carlota Bóia Neto, Diogo Luz Pereirinha, Gabriel Ribeiro, Madalena Anjos, Mafalda Riobom, Manuel Ferreira, Maria Máximo, Maryam Shimizu, Pedro o Novo, Pedro Barassi, Pedro Tinôco, Rita Paisana
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Pedro Faro, João Francisco Reis, Eva Mendes, João Sousa Cardoso
Entretecido | Interlace
With texts by Tobi Maier
Ernesto de Sousa, Exercises of Poetic Communication with Other Aesthetic Operators
With texts by Hugo Canoilas, Tobi Maier, José Miranda Justo, Paula Parente Pinto, Ernesto de Sousa, Lilou Vidal
Rui Sanches
With texts by Delfim Sardo, Sara Antónia Matos and Richard Deacon
Eternally Collapsing Objects
João Ferro Martins
With texts by Tobi Maier
Expanding Concert (Lisboa 2019-2023)
With texts by Direção das Galerias Municipais / Egeac, Mattin, Nuno da Luz, Dasha Birukova, Pierre Bal-Blanc, Regina de Morais, Bárbara Silva
Pauliana Valente Pimentel
With texts by Cláudia Pereira, Pedro Pousada, Sara Antónia Matos and Pedro Faro
Faux le Soleil, Faux les Yeux
Elisa Pône
With texts by António Contador, Estelle Nabeyrat, Rita Barreira, Tobi Maier
Field of View: Acquisitions 2016-17
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Flávia Violante, Rita Salgueiro
Flamboyanzinho, Flor-de-pavão, Flamboyant-mirim, Barba-de-barata
With texts by Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida, Julia Coelho, Renan Araujo, Thiago Gonçalves, Tobi Maier
história secreta da aviação e alguns meteoritos [secret history of aviation and some meteorites]
Manuel Zimbro
With texts by Manuel Zimbro
Hoje, nada [Today, nothing]
Daniel Blaufuks
With texts by João Miguel Fernandes Jorge, Rui Chafes, Sérgio Mah, Tobi Maier
Homo Kosmos (cough cough)
Tiago Borges & Yonamine
With texts by
Horta Vertical dos Coruchéus (Vertical Gardens at Coruchéus)
Mediation and Public Programs / Galerias Municipais
With texts by Mediation and Public Programs / Galerias Municipais
How to Hold What
Miguel Ângelo Rocha
With texts by Maria João Mayer Branco
Immediate Objects
José Pedro Croft
With texts by Delfim Sardo, Amador Veja, João Silvério.
João Marçal
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos e Pedro Faro, João Marçal, Hugo Canoilas
Interior Landscapes
Filipe Branquinho
With texts by Alexandra Pinho, Filipe Branquinho, Sandra Vieira Jürgens, Joana Gomes Cardoso, José Carrilho, José Forjaz, José Pinto de Sá, Mia Couto
La Neblina
Runo Lagomarsino
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos and Pedro Faro, Filipa Oliveira, Walter D. Mignolo
Le Lait de la voie lactée
Manuel Zimbro
With texts by Manuel Zimbro
Lisboa Como Metáfora
With texts by Antonia Gaeta
Lisboa: Bottleneck of Europe in World War II – 1939-1945
With texts by António Costa, Neill Lochery
Ludic Process Under Construction
Rui Mendes, Joana Martins, Alessandro Sartore, Gabriel Mateus
With texts by Rui Mendes, Gerrit Confurius, Sara Antónia Matos e Pedro Faro
Lugar Falhado
Inês Botelho
With texts by Cláudia Taborda, Susana Gaudêncio
Manthia Diawara: Intensive Courses
Manthia Diawara
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Manuela Ribeiro Sanches, António Tomás, Mamadou Ba, Manthia Diawara
Virgínia Fróis, Marta Castelo, Maja Escher
With texts by Catarina Rosendo; João Rolaça; Margarida Mendes; Sara Antónia Matos; Teresa Projecto
Mise en abyme
Eduardo Batarda
With texts by David Barro, Eduardo Batarda, Pedro Faro, Julião Sarmento
Modern Masterpieces Revisited
Luís Santiago Baptista
With texts by João Mourão, Bárbara Silva, Pedro Gadanho, Luís Santiago Baptista, Jorge Figueira, Susana Ventura
Murro no Estômago
With texts by Tobi Maier, Ana Cristina Cachola, Marta Espiridião, Miguel Mesquita, Stephan Dillemuth, Carla Filipe, João Ribas, Antonia Gaeta, Pedro Barateiro, Deidre Boyle
My favourite things
João Gabriel
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos e Pedro Faro
Não vão nos matar agora
Jota Mombaça
With texts by Jota Mombaça
Networks, Collaboration & Resistance in/Between Portugal & Brazil, 1962-1982. Works From the Arquivo Fernando Aguiar & The Coleção Moraes-Barbosa
With texts by Tobi Maier, Maika Pollack, Rui Torres
Novas Novas Cartas Portuguesas
With texts by Joana Meirim, Aura, Íris Dórdio, Tobi Maier
Now it is Light
Sofia Lemos
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Sofia Lemos, Caroline (Coco) Picard
Nudez – Uma Invariante
Pedro Morais
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Pedro Morais, Óscar Faria
O Caso
Jorge Queiroz
With texts by Maria Filomena Molder
O Colecionador de Belas-Artes
Sara & André
With texts by Sara & André, Sara Antónia Matos, Pedro Faro, Adelaide Duarte, João Pinharanda, Tobi Maier
O Mar É Vivo E Não Fala
Rui Inácio
With texts by
O Oco e a Emenda [The Hollow and the Seam]
Paloma Bosquê
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Luiza Teixeira de Freitas, Tomás Colaço, Paloma Bosquê.
Octopus and Myopia
Ilídio Candja Candja
With texts by Rafael Bordalo Mouzinho, Titos Moisés Pelembe, Tobi Maier
On the edge of the landscape comes the world
With texts by Coletivo de Curadores da Pós-Graduação em Curadoria de Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 2020-2021; Tobi Maier
Pacific Meridian
Eugénia Mussa
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Giulia Lamoni, Cristina Tejo
Alice dos Reis
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos and Pedro Faro, Pedro Neves Marques and Alice dos Reis
Pantalons pour attirer le vent
Francisca Carvalho
With texts by Antonia Gaeta
Emanuele Coccia
Francisca Carvalho
Sara Antónia Matos e Pedro Faro
Sara De Chiara
Parting with the Bonus of Youth – Maumaus as Object
With texts by Stefanie Baumann, Filip De Boeck, Sabeth Buchmann, Avery F. Gordon, Tobi Maier, Maumaus, Manuela Ribeiro Sanches, Gertrud Sandqvist, Alberto Toscano, Giovanbattista Tusa, Emily Wardill
Pedra, papel e tesoura [Stone, Paper and Scissors]
Belén Uriel
With texts by Bruno Marchand
Pedro Chorão: O Que Diz A Pintura
Pedro Chorão
With texts by José-Luís Porfírio, Pedro Chorão, Fernando de Azevedo, Rocha de Sousa, Alexandre Pomar, Jorge Silva Melo, Paulo Henriques
Tone Scientists + Guests, Projecto Teatral, André Guedes
With texts by Ana Anacleto, Bruno Marchand, André Guedes
Poética da Relação
Édouard Glissant
With texts by Édouard Glissant, José António Fernando Dias
Potency and Adversity: Art from Latin America in the Portuguese Collections
With texts by Catarina Vaz Pinto, Joana Gomes Cardoso, António Pinto Ribeiro, Marta Mestre, Cildo Meireles, Pedro Barateiro
Propeller Spectrum – On the operation of clocks and other patterns
Hélice (Duarte Amaral Netto, João Paulo Serafim, Rodrigo Tavarela Peixoto e Valter Ventura)
With texts by Katarína Poliačiková
José António Leitão | “Sombras e Outras – das Artes” sinopse para o curso, Hélice 2018
Subtitulo “Do funcionamento dos relógios e outros padrões” proveniente do livro “Relativity: the special and general theory” de Albert Einstein (1920)
André Guedes
With texts by André Guedes, William Morris, Juan Nieves, E.M. de Melo e Castro, Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, Domingos Vaz, Richard Sennet, Nathan Jones and Peter Jones, Rui Lopes and Emília Margarida Marques, Luísa Veloso and Fernando Matos Silva
Qualquer coisa de Intermédio
Catarina Botelho
With texts by André Barata, Catarina Botelho, Francisco Pinheiro, Joana Braga, Marta Echaves, Sandra Vieira Jürgens
Fernanda Fragateiro, Rui Mendes
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Fernanda Fragateiro, Rui Mendes
Radial Body
Mariana Caló and Francisco Queimadela
With texts by Maria João Neves, Susana Ventura, Tobi Maier
Retornar – Traces of Memory
With texts by Joana Gomes Cardoso, Elsa Peralta, Joana Gonçalo Oliveira, Maria José Lobo Antunes, Cláudia Castelo, Bruno Góis
Rural Topographies
Alberto Carneiro, Ana Lupas, Lala Meredith-Vula, Claire de Santa Coloma
With texts by Tobi Maier, Irene Buarque, Catarina Rosendo, Bernardo Pinto de Almeida, Marina Lupas Collinet, Lala Meredith-Vula, Claire de Santa Coloma
Sem pressa de chegar
Sara Chang Yan
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Pedro Faro and João Queiroz
Sena da Silva: Uma Antologia Fotográfica
Sena da Silva
With texts by António Costa, Sérgio Mah, Sena da Silva
Sara de Chiara
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos e Sara De Chiara
Shadow City
Fernando Martins
With texts by António Mega Ferreira
Shadow of Time
Vera Röhm
With texts by Rui Mateus Pereira, Vera Röhm, Stephen Bann, Eugen Gomringer, João Lima Pinharanda, Hans-Jürgen Buderer, Adon Peres
Somos Nós Que Mudamos Quando Tomamos Efetivamente Conhecimento do Outro
Nuno Sousa Vieira
With texts by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, João Silvério
Sopros de Vida – Gitelo 77
Gil Teixeira Lopes
With texts by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Departamento de Ação Cultural, Galerias Municipais, 2014
Stefano Serafin: Art In A State Of War
Stefano Serafin
With texts by Paula Pinto, Tobi Maier
Strange Attractor
Geum Beollae 금벌레, Isabel Carvalho, Joana Escoval, Nobuko Tsuchiya 土屋信子
With texts by Margarida Mendes, Ester Leslie, Tobi Maier
Suturing the City: Living Together in Congo’s Urban Worlds
Filip De Boeck
With texts by Filip De Boeck
Armanda Duarte
With texts by Armanda Duarte, Nuno Crespo
The Most Beautiful Language
Grada Kilomba
With texts by Joana Gomes Cardoso, Gabi Ngcobo
The Return
Bruno Pacheco
With texts by Bruno Marchand
This is a Bar… ou Praia de Banhos
With texts by Tobi Maier, Diogo Pinto, Mariana Tilly
With texts by Ricardo Nicolau, Pedro Barateiro, Antonia Gaeta and Ramiro Guerreiro
Tsae – Trésors Submergés de L’ancienne Egypte
Francisco Tropa
With texts by François Piron
Turbulence – Works from the ”la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection
With texts by Catarina Vaz Pinto, António Pinto Ribeiro, Elisa Durán Montolio, Nimfa Bisbe
Um estranho aqui cheguei
Pedro Calapez; Alexandre Conefrey
With texts by José Gil, Nuno Vieira de Almeida, Sérgio Fazenda Rodrigues, Tobi Maier
Uma e Outra Vez
Luís Paulo Costa
With texts by Amy Zion, Óscar Faria
Underground Cinemas & Towering Radios
Ângela Ferreira
With texts by Ana Balona de Oliveira
Bruno Pacheco
With texts by Bruno Marchand
With texts by © Galerias Municipais/EGEAC; Stolen Books, 2020
Zen-Inspired Gestural, Informal and/or Calligraphic Painting
Eurico Gonçalves
With texts by Sara Antónia Matos and Pedro Faro, Lígia Afonso