história secreta da aviação e alguns meteoritos [secret history of aviation and some meteorites]

Manuel Zimbro


the difficult thing is not leave any traces,

to mark above all, without history,

without leaving anonymity behind,

the smallest, most remote and most

remarkable places where

everything hangs together

in balance.

Only after a seed has dried will it fly.


All of these seeds that cruise the skies, all of this intense

aerial traffic,

is driven by an absolute need.

Guided without any intention of their own, they have a

surprising sensitivity,

responding to the slightest breeze, reading the

smallest differences in pressure, reacting to

light and temperature…


What enables a seed to fly is this balance between the

weight of the grain, which draws it

downwards, and the sensitivity of the wing,

which pulls it upwards.Without the ballast, the wing would shoot up like a


Without the wing, the seed would drop like rain.

In história secreta da aviação [pp. 9, 10, 25 and 33]

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With text by
história secreta da aviação e alguns meteoritos [secret history of aviation and some meteorites]
Manuel Zimbro
Le Lait de la voie lactée
Manuel Zimbro