– 24.06.2016
Devouring the Contiguous is part of the set of exhibitions that has been presented at Quadrum Gallery under the auspices of the “Budapest Cycle”, which brings to this gallery the direct or indirect results of the work developed by Portuguese artists selected for the Lisbon-Budapest Exchange Programme.
Catarina de Oliveira presents works made specifically for this exhibition, resulting from a research that was deepened during an artist residency in Budapest in the summer of 2015. The works presented articulate different myths, ideas and utopias, as well as scientific investigations around a series of fungi – and consequently mushrooms, which are their fructifications. These narratives address issues of both witchcraft and consciousness expansion, as well as environmental cleaning.
Also present in the exhibition, at the invitation of Catarina de Oliveira, are works by the French artist Amandine Guruceaga.
– 24.06.2016