O mar é vivo e não fala [The Sea is a Living Thing and it does not Speak]

Rui Inácio


Often exhibitions are an opportunity for the “value of doing” to meet the value of “seeing it done”. This encounter can be sometimes tense, sometimes empathic. For a spectator who is further removed from the problems of contemporary art, it may not be obvious that there are artistic practices, which explicitly make no distinctions between the context of the exhibition space and the context outside from it. We are increasingly facing exhibitions that go beyond purely aesthetic positions, particularly in a recent but dynamic process of de-modernisation [1] of the museum context.

The works presented in this exhibition, whose title is appropriated from a popular portuguese verse published in the compendium of João Homem Machado Folclore da Ilha do Pico (1990), are elements of the recent conceptual, technical and formal research that a trip to the island of Pico in 2016 triggered in Rui Inácio. These are vestiges of information that lead subliminally to the presence of the volcanic slopes of this remote place.

Rui Inácio insists that he draws, which demonstrates that his artistic activity is increasingly conceptual – and part of a dispersed cultural phenomenon, without a unique visual style. Drawing is, in fact, according to the artist, the engine of his thought. The values that Rui Inácio systematically develops in this series of works contain oneiric elements of a landscape in power, developed from a complex approach to the possibilities of representation that the concept of Landscape suggests to him.


Sofia Ponte  

[1] Term borrowed from Scottish curator Charles Esche.

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With text by
O Mar É Vivo E Não Fala