Silêncio, ruído estrépito, leitura colectiva, cantar, tossir, batidas ou pancadas, exclamações, aplausos, vaias, assobios, pessoas saindo, lançando objectos, pessoas subindo ao palco

Mariana Silva

“Silence, loud noise, collective reading, singing, coughing, knocks or bangs, exclamation, applause, catcalls, hisses, people leaving, throwing of objects, people getting onto stage”, 2010 Performance/Reading: Joana Manuel This afternoon performed by Joana Manuel, this reading was originally made by the artist herself on March 10th 2010, at 10 pm at Cristina Guerra Gallery, part of her participation in “Perpetual Interview”, event curated by Ricardo Nicolau (March 8-12 2010). This performance is part of a series of works that are the result of a study that Mariana Silva started while in a residency at ISCP – International Studio & Curatorial Program in New York, that investigates a series of specially troubled events that gave rise to protests, boos, or riots by the public, in reaction to certain theatre works and/ or musicals during the 20th Century. These are the events we see stated in a video that documents another performance, also part of this investigation, and that we can also see in this exhibition. With performances made at São João National Theatre and São Luiz Municipal Theatre, the video documents the performance “Notation on bringing the curtain down”, that in the words of the artist, “questions the way an audience is shaped, considering they right to refuse (…), and that states a group of events that happened between 1830 and 1973, having in modernism its peak in intensity and frequency”.


Curated by
– 24.11.2019
The Painting Workshop Will be Responsible for the Painted Parts of the Set
Vasco Araújo, Bruno Bogarim, João Pedro Vale & Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, Javier Núñez Gasco, Sofia Gonçalves, André Guedes, Tatiana Macedo, Francisca Manuel, Adriana Molder, Isadora Neves Marques, Miguel Palma, Isaque Pinheiro, Júlio Pomar, Ana Pérez-Quiroga, Mariana Silva, André e. Teodósio, Pedro Tudela, Joana Villaverde, among others.
Susana Pomba
Quadrum Gallery