Intervalo [Timeout] – Part I

The “Intervalo” [Timeout] film programme proposes, in the context of the exhibition “Prospectus. Principle, Middle and Ultimatum”, to look at the technological aspects related to work in Portugal in the 20th century, from pre- to post-industrial, and the social and political processes directly or indirectly related to it. This selection of documentaries, proposed by sociologist Luísa Veloso and historian Frédéric Vidal, is the result of a research project that both are developing at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology of ISCTE on the representation of work in Portuguese cinema with the collaboration of the Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema.

With this set of films it is proposed to reflect on the diversity of cinematographic records of production processes in factories and laboratories, addressing aspects such as manual and intellectual work, the introduction of mechanization and technical work. Contrasting from the point of view of content, aesthetic record and formal resources used, they allow an enriching dialogue on work spaces.

Cerâmica de Portugal [Ceramics from Portugal]
Portugal, 1932
Direction: Aníbal Contreiras; Production: Sociedade Nacional de Tipografia, Século Cinematográfico; Photography: Aníbal Contreiras; Subtitling: Aníbal Contreiras; 19 min. Film extracted from the industrial propaganda documentary “Cerâmica de Porcelana” [Ceramics from Portugal].

Forja de Maravilhas [Wonder Forge]
Portugal, 1951
Direction: Perdigão Queiroga; Production: Lisboa Filme; Commentary: Jorge Rodrigues; Locution: Pedro Moutinho; Photography: Perdigão Queiroga; Editing: Perdigão Queiroga; Sound direction: Enrique Dominguez; Laboratory: Lisboa Filme, Tobis Portuguesa; Assistant Director: Américo Patela, João de Almeida; Distribution: Lisboa Filme; 14 min.

A Embalagem de Vidro [The Glass Packaging]
Portugal, 1966
Direction: Faria de Almeida; Production: Faria de Almeida; Production assistant: Luís Manuel Teixeira; Photography: Abel Escoto; Image assistant: Victor Silva; Music: Manuel Jorge Veloso; Laboratory: Ulyssea Filme (image), Valentim de Carvalho (sound); 10 min.

A Aventura Calculada [The Calculated Adventure]
Portugal, 1970
Directed by: Fernando Lopes; Production: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Média Filmes; Production Director: Faria Aboim; Production Assistant: Américo de Freitas; Commentary: Roby Amorim; Locution: Gérard Castello Lopes; Photography: Manuel Costa e Silva; Editing: Fernando Lopes; Sound Direction: Alexandre Gonçalves; Assistant Director: Francisco Machado; Distribution: Filmes Castello Lopes; 14 min.

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Curated by
– 09.04.2017
Prospectus. Beginning, Middle and Finishing
André Guedes
Juan de Nieves
Pavilhão Branco